
Reset Printer Canon MP 237

Here is the way to Reset Canon PIXMA MP2371

-Download Resetter Canon MP237 on the link I have included at the end of this article
-Extract and run reseter MP237 by clicking 2 times File Service tool v3400.exe
-Start doing govern software reseter MP237
         Sub Tab Clear Ink Counter to Play
         Sub-Tab Ink Absorber Counter to Play
-Click EEPROM then the printer prints a sheet of paper
-Turn the printer off and on again, then you can use the printer again

Download the tools Reset Printer Canon MP 237 here
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Resetter Canon MP287 tools

When you got error on your Canon MP287 it will make you confusion and you see error code is E08 and E13 , When the printer is turned on , the printer looks normal. But after ordered to print, it will display an error E08 i'm sure you already know if you come to this page. don't worry i know the solution. the printer need to be rese.

This is the way to reset Canon MP287 bicause of error E08

- Turn off the Canon MP287 error E08 by pressing power. Do not unplug the power cord .
- Press and Hold the STOP / RESET followed by pressing the POWER button . So both buttons depressed position .
- Remove the STOP / RESET but do not release the POWER button .
- In circumstances POWER button still depressed , press the STOP / RESET 6 times.
-Then release both buttons simultaneously .
- Printer will initialize error moments like when the printer is first tested at the time of purchase.
Wait until the LCD panel on the printer error was showing Black ( blank ).
-MP258 printer will be detected as a new device on your computer, although it was already installed the printer driver. -Conditions of blank printer on the LCD indicates that the printer is in Service Mode state and is ready to be reset using software .
- If the power cord is unplugged , then the steps above must be repeated again.

Now you can reset the Canon MP287 with this tools

get from this source hope this step will help you and make your printer can work again.
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