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Canon iP4680 Error Codes

The error code is standard for many of the late model MPxxx printers. The B200 error is "Printhead Temperature exceeded", What this means that while you were printing some document, either one or more of the printhead ink wells ran out of ink and the printing continued. Printhing without ink in the wells will OVERHEAT THE PRINTHEAD NOZZLES and can potentially burn the out. The printer has a built in temperature sensor to detect the ambient temperature and to monitor the temperature of the head. This data is always collected and monitored and saved in the EEprom data and the Service Test print data.

If the error will not go away once you have unplugged the priner for at least 5 minutes, then there is the possibility that you have already burnt out the head. Remove the printhead and use a 5x magnification glass to look VERY CLOSE at all of the nozzles to see if you can detect any possible burnt out nozzle. It many come down to need a new printhead.